Cert Man journey

This is my learning journal for the PG Certificate in Management course at Leeds Met University. It has little use to anyone else but is the easiest way for me to complete this part of my coursework. Read it if you will but I'm sure there are better examples out there.

Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I work in the public sector - I try to improve the lot of the citizens of Leeds, I have my doubts about my efficacy. I have brief forrays into various worlds - from the bleeding armchair liberal to crazy meglomanic. Luckily I'm far too lazy to exercise these tendancies far.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Reading on the bus - point to follow up with tutor enc

Mega bus - to catch up on all your reading needs!
I used my long bus journey well - reading several of the MIE booklets. Presentations - I wonder do the people who write these (lecturers I'm assuming) not remember that they are continually presenting? Or maybe I've just read too many of these booklets. I know lots of people have a fear of presenting but perhaps if people didn't always start giving you guidance from the "we know you hate it but you have to" stand point and took a "this is a process that it's good to learn to love no matter how you feel now" it would all be more positive. Or maybe I just like standing up and spouting off with an air of authority too much to not be properly prepared. As usual it was a valid expenditure of time as some timely reminders on "don't pack too much in" this time.
Then read the Unit 1 (well we've been told which ones to read for homework, this hadn't come up and I had forgotten to get round to it) booklet which is about - this stuff. Had an interesting time with the "what makes an effective self developer". the lowest scoring items were "Clear realistic aims and career plan" as I'm not really sure. I feel this current role has a year of development to go - along side this course, by which stage I thought I'd start looking at what is out there and in March 2006 when the funding runs out I would have an idea where to next. At them moment there is nowhere to go but consolidate and I'm restarting having given up teaching last year. Perhaps I need to do something sooner, although it does feel like a paper exercise for the purpose of this course. The other item was "Is skilled at Self protection where needed" because I don't know what this means. Nor did my companion. Must follow this up with the tutor.

I now plan to have a 6 week experiment with the personal journal layout they suggest. I think I'll use it to focus on learning around my new minion who starts next week. It'll be odd as I don't think I have a choice about doing it on paper not on a keyboard. Think I may run the structured diary in parallel and continue with this as well, presumeably the discipline of the diary will spill over into this but need to ensure I have as much as possible to draw on for the assignment.

Also did the specified homework reading about "what a manager does" - bit tricky when you have italians doing weird stuff around you - so reread and make the required notes will be necessary. Obviously the literature is talking about someone who is purely a manager not a manager of X so spends some time managing and some time at the bottom of a heap being managed by with responsibilities for other stuff. I am primarily an administrator and I would say about 50% of my time is spend in the way these theorists summarise management but I don't have a person to manage. It has scared me - how would I feel I was achieving anything if my role was like those descriped - there's so little physical output or completion of tasks which is the way I measure my sense of success currently. If I'm not cut out to become a manager does that mean I will be stuck at this level for ever?


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