Cert Man journey

This is my learning journal for the PG Certificate in Management course at Leeds Met University. It has little use to anyone else but is the easiest way for me to complete this part of my coursework. Read it if you will but I'm sure there are better examples out there.

Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I work in the public sector - I try to improve the lot of the citizens of Leeds, I have my doubts about my efficacy. I have brief forrays into various worlds - from the bleeding armchair liberal to crazy meglomanic. Luckily I'm far too lazy to exercise these tendancies far.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

12 october

Today we had more of the marketing man who tells us stuff about slides. Hmm bit more comprehensible but definite feeling of "I will read the book enough to be able to undertake the assignment, marketing appears for people who believe consuming is a good thing". The Video was a lot more comprehensible.

Managing self was good - positive reinforcement of the "you will have done the homework so this is the next step" none of this pandering to people who aren't investing back. The case study threw up a lot of thorns, a Call centre uses personality profiles to channel it's staff's careers should this be applied elsewhere? I think I'm on the side of "personality profiles are good for people taking responsibility for their own actions but it's a bit unfair to force staff into it". One guy made a good point about money ultimately driving most employers - but if you get your profiling right then you will gain more financially so it is worth it.

Data handling - well Standard deviation makes more sense now. Lets see if I can be made to understand a purpose for it beyond "you need to know it to pass an exam" DDs explanations are entertaining, not always the clearest but sufficiently dynamic to make you want to exert yourself to fill in the gaps which is probably what is intended, afterall isn't teaching partially about creating a desire to know more, hence my departure from that profession for fear of failing on this score (the first departure, the 2nd departure from teaching being a simple loathing kind of thing).


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